Friday, December 02, 2005

Australia Desperately Needs a Mandatory Retirement Age

From MSNBC (

CANBERRA, Australia - Prostitutes as old as 70 continue to work in rural Australia, pushed out of the cities due to strong competition from younger and more attractive sex workers, the author of a study said on Tuesday.

Brothels are legal across most of Australia, but states have strict laws against soliciting and running brothels in residential areas, and near churches or schools.

The research, by John Scott of the University of New England, examined prostitution in rural areas of New South Wales state. He found the sex industry has flourished in rural towns, with many prostitutes making regular visits.

"I've likened some of them to traveling musicians, in that some of them might be based in metropolitan centers and they go out and travel — they tour the bush," Scott told Reuters.

Right back at you, say the customers.

Here's more:
He said sex workers in rural areas tended to be older, and provide more companionship than city sex workers.

"In a business that is based on looks and age a lot of the time, it became increasingly hard for workers as they progressed in age," Scott said.

What? Graphics matter? Why, I thought it was all about the gameplay.

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