Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Shreveport (2)

I forgot to mention a couple of things about the Shreveport trip.

First, I found the "business center" on Saturday at the Isle of Crapi Casino. It was a tiny room with three computers--but at least they had Internet connections. The rooms, of course, didn't (which I assume is standard procedure for casino hotels).

I wedge into one of the cubicles and start looking at the regular set of sites I review each day for news and gaming information.

The guy sitting next to me is rigid. He's as stiff as a concrete slab, and the only thing moving is his mouse hand. He's totally fixated on the screen.

I'm curious, so I move my chair back just a few inches so I can see what site he's visiting. But of course--it's! So the dude's in a casino, and he's taking a little break to get down a few sports bets. I'm guessing he has three computers on his desk back home so that he can get action at three online casinos at the same time.

The other story is about guacamole. Or, rather, a guacamole-like substance that was served to us on Sunday at a local Mexican food restaurant (I won't tell you the name, but it rhymes with "El Chico"). We ordered guacamole and got glopamole. It was this flaccid green color mixed with brown accents. It looked like what would be left of a frog if it got run over by a car.

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