Thursday, March 16, 2006

Sid Meier: One Press Release an Hour

If you've been watching basketball all afternnon, you've probably missed the Sid Meier press release avalanche of all time. In just a few hours, Firaxis has announced THREE upcoming products:
--a new game in the Railroad Tycoon series called "Railroads!"
--an expansion pack for Civ IV called "Warlords"
--a new game called "CivCity: Rome." It's being developed by Firefly (Stronghold) "in conjunction" with Firaxis

It's very odd that they announced all of this on the same day. The cynical side of me (I know, you're shocked that I have one) thinks that Take-Two must be preparing to announce something bad, so they use this blizzard of news to divert attention. Regardless, all of these games look interesting, and that's good news.

Thanks to Paul Costello of Groovalicious Games, who sent me links to the press releases.

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