Friday, June 09, 2006

Intel Drops the Hammer

I didn’t see this coming:
June 9 (Bloomberg) -- Customers of Intel Corp. said the world's biggest computer-chip maker plans to reduce prices on Pentium processors by as much as 60 percent to reclaim market share from Advanced Micro Devices Inc.

Man! Price wars are great for gamers. Sixty percent?

I think Intel believes that Conroe is so superior as a CPU that they’re accelerating their transition plans. Demand for the Pentium is going to vanish as soon as it gets released, anyway, so they’re just going to take the hit and move out existing Pentium inventory as quickly as possible.

That’s great news for Dell and other computer companies, too. Or anyone building a system soon (right here, thanks). AMD? Not so much.

Full article here:
Price Cuts.

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