Tuesday, June 06, 2006


My charming Taiwanese neighbor who is Mormon and believes in space aliens (not an exaggeration) decided to cut down two trees in his front yard this weekend. Big trees. "Big" as in "reaches to the top of the two-story house."

So I come out of the house Monday morning and his yard is filled with branches. The yard, the driveway, the sidewalk--all branches.

When I got home Monday afternoon, he's cutting the branches into smaller pieces. Not surprising, since they have to be a certain size to get picked up by the brush truck. Of course, he was using a glorified electric carving knife--now that was surprising.

This is the same neighbor, though, that mows his lawn--his entire lawn--with a string trimmer. So I should probably replace "surprising" with "unlikely but not unprecedented."

I'm afraid to look out the window this morning. Since it's the "day of the beast" or whatever crazy people are calling it, his entire house may be shielded with aluminum foil.

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