Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday Links

Here are a few links for your reading pleasure, since U.S. readers won't get anything done on the Friday before the Labor Day weekend anyway.

First, from William Barnes, Manifesto Games (Greg Costikyan's publishing venture) is up and running, and you can see it here.

The blog of Geoffrey Chaucer has an entry about gaming titled "Ich Pwne Noobs." It's here.

Frank Regan sent me a link to an interesting article in Wired about Sony and the PS3. Here's an excerpt:
It's not every day that a $64 billion-a-year corporation puts its future on the line. "It's very un-Japanese," observes Rishad Tobaccowala, who tracks the entertainment business as a future-of-media specialist at the global ad giant Publicis. "It's betting the company. If this thing bombs, there is no second coming. Everything else about Sony is a sideshow. This is the show."

It's an interesting read, and you can find it here.

Finally, here's a quote you won't see every day:
"It's fun and difficult to swim in stormy river with an exotic apparatus, as inflatable ladies slip out of hands."

That's in reference to the annual Sex Dolls Rafting Tournament near St. Petersburg (Russia, not Florida). This year, there was a "controversy" at the event:
A participant in the annual Sex Dolls Rafting Tournament near St Petersburg was disqualified in shame for "sexual abuse of apparatus", Mosnews reports... as the organisers explained: "Air sex dolls can be used only for swimming."

Indeed. That's why they sell them. The full story is here.

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