Monday, October 09, 2006

PS3 Pre-Order Info

I was going to write something tonight about how I was amazed that there was still no pre-order information for the PS3 or Wii, barely a month before launch. Good thing I didn't write that up, because I just saw this at
GameStop revealed today in their email newsletter that PS3 pre-orders for the highly anticipated console launch would begin tomorrow, October 10, on a first come, first serve basis at EB and GameStop retail outlets.

...Unlike in the past where console launches required only a $50 deposits, pre-ordering a PS3 will run you $100 (cash, credit, or trade).

...They also noted that an online pre-ordering program will be announced at a later date, as this current offer is only valid in retail stores nationwide.

Highly anticipated? Really? Not in my neighborhood.

That's like all the articles I've seen about the PS3 that say the console is for the "serious" gamer because it costs $200 more than the 360. That doesn't make it more "serious"--it makes it more "expensive."

No Wii pre-order information yet.

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