Thursday, July 05, 2007

Surgery, Sliders, and Something

I'm going in for hernia surgery on Friday. It's no big deal--apparently, it's the oil change of surgeries. I'll be swimming again in two weeks.

No changes for you guys--I'll post the Friday links and the console post of the week before I go. By Monday, I should be grouchy but able to write again.

Like that's different from a normal day.

Also, the chances are very high that I'll be doing slider projects for both All-Pro Football 2K8 and NCAA 08. More information on that in another week or so.

About every three months or so, I list all the countries you guys are from. Sitemeter has an excellent feature where you can see a traffic breakdown by country. Here are all the countries listed from a two-day sample last week:
--United States (only about 70% of total traffic, though)
--United Kingdom
--New Zealand
--Czech Republic

About 8% of the traffic is either "unknown" or "miscellaneous country," so there are probably a few more countries in there as well. I really appreciate that you guys read the blog, and I'll keep writing it as long as you keep reading it.

Site Meter