Monday, March 10, 2008

It Was A Great Day After All

You'd think that after I made a fool ("-noun, 1. a silly or stupid person; a person who lacks judgment or sense.") of myself talking about currency, it would be a pretty bad day.

To a surprising degree, that's not the case. First, I'm not just a fool--I'm a veteran fool. I reverse things I actually understand on a regular basis. I just make a correction and keep typing.

Second, we finished Super Mario Galaxy tonight, and playing all the way through it with Eli 6.7 was really, really memorable--one of my favorite gaming memories ever.

Then, FIFTEEN MINUTES later, there was this:

I know--that's a weak pass-but MAN, that song is tough on Hard. And finishing it got me this:

I know it's not Expert level, but I'm pretty stoked anyway. Playing the drums is such a great feeling, and this is also going to go down as one of my favorite gaming moments ever.

Really, I couldn't ask for a better day.

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