Friday, December 20, 2019

Friday Links!

Some very strong stuff this week.

Leading off, from Wally, and it's a magnificent piece of writing (and what a story): "As An Added Bonus, She Paid For Everything": My Bright-Lights Misadventure With A Magician Of Manhattan.

Here's another long read that's fantastic: Ponzi Schemes, Private Yachts, and a Missing $250M in Crypto: The Strange Tale of Quadriga.

One more: My Dad Was a Spy, Maybe.

From C. Lee, and there's so much stupid to enjoy: Worst Wellness Trends of the Decade. This is fascinating: This AI is a perpetual loser at Othello, and players love it. A deep, deep rabbit hole: The Age of Instagram Face. So extremely creepy: The chilling story of ‘Frozen Charlotte’ and the corpse-like dolls that bear her name. A great read: How to Permanently End Diseases. I have a few overexcited neurons, let me tell you: Longevity Linked to Proteins That Calm Overexcited Neurons. Yeah, this is bad: Toxic Coastal Fog Linked to Dangerously High Levels of Mercury in Mountain Lions. This is just incredible: How the U.S. hydrogen bomb secrets disappeared.

From Meg McReynolds, and it's an fascinating read: Mush! One Day in the Life of a Dogsledder.

From Wally, and it's excellent: Invicta: How Did Wargaming Shape the War in the Pacific? Wargamer alert! 10 Wargames to Buy Your Wargamer for Christmas – 2019 Edition. This is awesome: Stonehenge 1875 family photo may be earliest at monument. This is a very, very nice story: This Bangor man got Christmas cards from Big Bird for nearly 40 years.

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