Monday, July 06, 2020

Short Today

Sorry, but we played 18 instead of 9 and it was damned hot, so I'm straight up exhausted.

Eli 18.11 has officially figured out his driver. He hit drives of 340, 330, and 320 yards, and it is something to see. I think he'll shoot under par by the end of the summer. Unbelievable.

I'm actually playing pretty well now, but my wrist is bothering me a bit (old).

I thought that living in Canada and going through the winters meant the summer was benign by law, but that's not the case. We've had heat indexes of 100 or higher for a week. Last Friday, we walked 18 and the heat index was 103. Oh, and no wind. It was brutal.

All right, tomorrow I'll have something better for you. Actually, I have good stuff for the rest of the week all planned out. Stay healthy.

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