Thursday, October 29, 2020

Friday Links!

What a fantastic science experiment (note: it cannot be performed with Mexican rice): How to Measure the Speed of Light With a Bar of Chocolate and Your Microwave. Font nerd alert! Papyrus. Well, somebody had to do it: Bot orders $18,752 of McSundaes every 30 min. to find if machines are working.

Next level links from C. Lee. First, and this is a terrific read, it's Transcending Gravity: The View from Postcolonial Dhaka to Colonies in Space. A difficult problem with unclear solutions: The Great Unread: On William Deresiewicz’s “The Death of the Artist”. This is ingenious: Venice’s Controversial Inflatable Floodgates Save City for the Second Time. I would totally buy a book about this; A Brief History of the TV Dinner. This is so incredibly clever: ISS Crew Just Found an Elusive Air Leak Using Floating Tea Leaves.

From Jonathon Wood, and there are so many stunning images in this article: How dams have reshaped our planet.

From Christopher Scott, and it's a fascinating article: The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion.

From Wally, and it's actually true: Teens Exploring Ancient Ruins. I didn't know this: We Have Edgar Allan Poe to Thank for the Detective Story.

From Brian Witte, and this headline writer should win some kind of award: Oakland's Notoriously Aggressive Turkey Captured by Wildlife Expert Posing as Frail Woman.

From David Gloier, and talk about a unit: Meet the Diabolical Ironclad Beetle. It’s Almost Uncrushable.

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