Monday, October 26, 2020

One More Thought on Star Citizen

There was something tickling me about the Star Citizen post, something that I couldn't quite express, but I think I figured it out.

There's a very logical reason (in a bad way) that all these crazy features like modeling bartender behavior and pilot urine trajectory based on urinal height (okay, that's not in yet, but just wait) keep getting added. 

Here's why: it's impossible to justify an infinite amount of money unless you promise to do an infinite number of things. 

So it's not a distraction that these bizarre, useless features keep getting added. It's an essential part of their fund-raising strategy. I think you could even argue that it's actually the core of their strategy. 

This is an approach used by populist/authoritarian politicians as well. I can do everything, and only I can do it, so your support for me must be absolute.

I'm sure there are studies out there that establish what kind of person is receptive to this approach. I can say that I'm not one of them. As soon as someone starts promises infinity, I start laughing. 

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