Thursday, April 06, 2023

Friday Links!

It's impossible to watch this without a smile on your face (unless you're dead inside, of course): Choose your greeting.

A fascinating read: Can you fool a monkey with a magic trick? Only if it has opposable thumbs

From Jeff Pinard, and it's a fascinating read: Brains also have supply chain issues – blood flows where it can, and neurons must make do with what they get.

From C. Lee, and it's a thoughtful analysis: 'Live free and die?' The sad state of U.S. life expectancy. This would be astonishing, if verified: Glass beads on moon’s surface may hold billions of tonnes of water, scientists say. This raises some questions: Where are Clean Energy Technologies Manufactured? This is terrific: How a video game has revolutionised the way farmers are buying tractors. An amazing read: The Racing Game That Changed Everything Was Built on Lockheed Martin Technology. The Unlikeliest accident: Runaway Truck Wheel Sends Kia Soul Flying off the Highway. This is a terrific read: The Forgotten Power of the Parlour Palm. A remarkable story: The Gibson Family Album of Shipwrecks.

From Wally, and it's a Trekkie alert: Star Trek: What Does NCC Stand For? The gorilla prank is legendary: Best space pranks: From space apes to smuggled sandwiches

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