Thursday, April 20, 2023

Pen to Paper

This Doesn't Feel Like The Future has entered the writing phase, finally. It's the prequel to The Man You Trust, and while it's only loosely tied to TMYT, certain characters appear in both books.

I fiddle-farted around far too long before I started writing, and I don't really know why. I had a strong plot document and plenty of detail to start with. The funny thing about writing, though, is that the longer you don't write, the harder it is to start. Plus, and I think this is a sign of the times, I was having a very difficult time getting my brain to settle down to the point where I could have deep focus.

I have a few "artsy" friends, and they were encouraging me to coax my creativity, to wait for it to come out of hiding, to be gentle. 

Nah. I tried that.

Instead, I established a new policy: no breakfast until writing is done. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but it worked. There's very little in my head when I wake up (insert your joke here), and it's much easier to slip into a concentrated state.

Hopefully, it won't be seven years this time. 

In the meantime, please consider purchasing this book: The Man You Trust.

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