Monday, October 30, 2023

Costume Count (2010-2022)

As traditions go, the Costume Count had a great run.

In recent years, though, enthusiasm has been flagging, both mine and yours. And after passing out candy for the last 25 years, I'm actually going to a Halloween Party for the first time this century.

So let's do something different this year.

Instead of sending me costume counts, just send me descriptions of any interesting or unusual costumes you see. I can compile those and put them in a post very quickly, instead of delaying and having an Excel spreadsheet icon staring at me for months like an angry, orange eye.

I have an idea for a costume that is low cost and low time commitment for a very solid effect. I'll post a picture tomorrow.

Of the costume, of course, not me. I haven't taken complete leave of my senses.

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