Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Sea of Stars

I mentioned this game a few weeks ago, and wound up finishing it yesterday.

It's wonderful. What a terrific experience.

It also does one thing better than any game I've ever played, which is traversal. It's never been so much fun to run around, because there are all kinds of interesting spaces to squeeze into and stuff to climb on. The traversal isn't hard--you really can't fail--but it's consistently entertaining in a way I've never experienced before.

It's also logical. There are puzzles and obstacles to figure out, but none of the answers are obscure or obtuse. If you just consider your environment and think, you can solve every one, which I appreciate, because looking at a guide every five minutes is tedious.

There are apparently several endings that you can get after the first if you keep playing (including the "true" ending), but I was happy with the first ending and stopped there. It's suspenseful, and there's a twist at the very end that made me laugh out loud because I was so delighted. 

It's all inordinately clever and entertaining without being taxing, and it's consistently fun. 

If you're interested, it's on all the usual platforms, plus it's on Game Pass.

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