Thursday, December 14, 2023

Friday Links!

Leading off this week, and it's dark and brilliant: Shock of the old: 11 murderous and macabre Victorian Christmas cards

If you want to buy a book for a gaming nerd, here's a great place to look (thanks Cyriel): Bitmap Books: retro gaming books, redefined

From Wally, and this will be in the public eye until these 3-hour epics start bombing (it won't be long): Give Me a Break: Why Cinemas Want to Bring Back Intermissions. It took a while to figure it out: Internet sleuths identify lost ‘X-Files’ song, solving 25-year mystery

From C. Lee, and it's a terrific read: The extraordinary life of a Holocaust survivor living in Japan. England has so, so many: ‘How do you reduce a national dish to a powder?’: the weird, secretive world of crisp flavours. Coffee hounds, this is for you: This Simple Trick Will Help You Brew Better Coffee, According to Scientists. Classic: ‘Sir, You Can’t Park There’. It's quite wide-ranging, really: The surprisingly robust careers of Star Trek stars who became video game voice actors. Yikes: The hidden hazards of bargain PSUs: a case packed with iron filings. Ugh, it never ends: Just about every Windows and Linux device vulnerable to new LogoFAIL firmware attack. So, so many bad tourists: Venice gondola capsizes after tourists refuse to sit down and stop taking selfies. This is quite unsettling: Chinese prisoner’s ID card apparently found in lining of Regatta coat

From Ken Piper, and it's an excellent read: Dieselgate, but for trains – some heavyweight hardware hacking. This is one of the neglected effects of AI: AI and Mass Spying. A thoughtful read: Facts, frames, and (mis)interpretations: Understanding rumors as collective sensemaking. A classic holiday song (to me): Fairytale of New York: the story behind the Pogues' classic Christmas anthem. Happy holidays, dolphins, and congratulations: So Long And Thanks For All The Fish! Russia’s Naval-Defense Dolphins May Have Escaped. 

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