Thursday, January 11, 2024

Friday Links!

As the blizzard approaches (bum bum bum), a long and fascinating read to lead off: I thought my great-aunt was just a gentle oddball – then I discovered her secret role in the Austrian resistance

From Chris M., and it's stunning: Footsteps in the Snow

From Chris P., and it's a cover that improves on the original in every way: Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard (1960s Early Soul Style Cover) feat. Kyndle Wylde.

From Ken P., and it's remarkable: Diabetes Breakthrough: FDA-Approved Drugs Regenerate Insulin Production in 48 Hours. This makes sense: A discovery in the muscles of long COVID patients may explain exercise troubles. This is promising: Can you see the northern lights in California? Light show expected to peak in 2024. Amazing, really: The 'world's first AI powered grill' can cook steaks in as little as 90 seconds — and it's the hottest thing at CES 2024. Terrific infographic: Infographic shows how the PC has fared against other platforms over 50+ years of gaming. This is so depressing, but not surprising, as the era of stupid people continues: US verges on vaccination tipping point, faces thousands of needless deaths: FDA. Always a thoughtful writer: Cory Doctorow: What Kind of Bubble is AI? This is stunning: Flowers ‘giving up’ on scarce insects and evolving to self-pollinate, say scientists. An incredible achievement: 34 years later, a 13-year-old hits the NES Tetris “kill screen”

From Wally, and it's darkly comic: Francophone Belgian couple caught in bureaucratic struggle to prove they speak French. A long and interesting read: Mickey Mouse and Darth Vader smoking pot: AI image generators play fast and loose with copyrighted characters

From C. Lee, and it's a riveting read: Here's the Civil War History They Don't Want You to Know. So much irony here: The Covenant Parents Aren’t Going to Keep Quiet on Guns. This is a kind and heartwarming story: Couple provides homemade meals to support families of sick children. An excellent read: “Wabi,” “Sabi,” “Yūgen”: The Surprising Changes in “Traditional” Japanese Aesthetics. This was inevitable: AI-created “virtual influencers” are stealing business from humans. This is absolutely fantastic: How Brits went soft on toilet paper. This is excellent: Timezone Wars: The Windows 95 map that shook the world - Raymond Chen Interview

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