Monday, June 17, 2024

One down

The storage room with Eli 22.10s stuff doesn't look bad:

The entire process took around eight hours, including C providing an enormous amount of help for three hours on Saturday. She's providing an enormous amount of help in general (and made bison burgers for Father's Day, which was awesome).

There's still room for some of my stuff in the storage unit, as well as Cs, since we're combining households. 

I moved everything left in the basement (except my computer and printer) upstairs today. Lots of lifting, and I'm incredibly tired, but now I don't have to go up and down the stairs thirty times a day, which was killing my knee. 

It's math at this point. Every item I run across now has to have a destination. Leaving it there is just kicking the can down the road, and there's no road left, so everything has to be dealt with.

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