Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Eli 22.10, Exams, and Closing

First off, I'm very grateful to everyone who wrote in after Friday's post about notaries in the UK. Each email contained useful information, and they came in quickly, too, which was even more helpful.

As it turns out, the title company employee was incorrect when he said you couldn't use online notaries for a POA in Michigan. You can, actually, and Eli was able to use on online notary this morning. The house is closing tomorrow.

Eli sent me this picture over the weekend:

Oxford has a cool tradition (probably dating back to the Pleistocene era) where students wear carnations to exams. Also their academic robes, just to clear up any possible misunderstandings. The color of the carnation is based on where you are in the exam schedule, and since it's Eli's last (and only) exam for the year, he has a red carnation. Parents buy the undergraduates carnations, but in graduate school, your friends buy them for you. 

This tradition has been going on for so long that florists have special paper with "good luck" already printed.

He took his exam on Monday and thought it went well. I have no idea how long it takes for him to receive his marks.

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