Thursday, May 30, 2024

Random Notes and Gaming News Question

It's been a long and difficult week, but it's almost over.

A driveway dumpster gets delivered on Monday. That will help me dispose of everything I can't sell or donate. I still have until June 15, so I'm not out of time, though most days it feels like it.

I'm going to wake up on June 16 and do less. It will feel good.

I'm still grinding away on This Doesn't Feel Like The Future, even though it's been tough for the last four days or so. I'm struggling to edit one of the new chapters, but I keep showing up every morning, hoping to wear it down eventually.

Since IGN bought RPS and Eurogamer, where do we go for gaming news now? IGN owns almost everything now, and they're crap. I guess I'm going back to Blue's news, which is messy but comprehensive. They've also been around forever, which I admire, for obvious reasons.

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