Tuesday, August 06, 2024

I Think I've Been Doing It Wrong

I have a long list of tasks every day.

Mundane tasks. Bill-paying, insurance calling, credit card-checking tasks. All the stupid things people must do. 

It's stressing me out.

Having slipped into responsible person mode from the day Eli 23.0 was born, and even more so after Gloria's accident and subsequent passing, it's started to weigh me down to the point of becoming a problem.

I was thinking about this earlier and suddenly had a realization: why do I need to be doing tasks every day? What if I just held them for Tuesday and Thursday, for example? Surely almost everything could wait a day or two. Then I'd have a few blissful, task-free days a week.

Except for writing and working out, of course. Those are locked in.

I'm going to try this and see what it feels like. And I can't believe I didn't think of it before now.

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