Monday, September 09, 2024

The Run

The September salmon run on the Grand River has begun.

I live by downtown now, and within about a half mile walk is the Grand River. I usually stop and watch the fishermen for a few minutes, because they generally congregate at a small spillway I pass. On the other side of the river from that point is a fish ladder.

Last weekend, C and I noticed a small number of fish using the ladder. Only a couple, but we guessed that mean the salmon run would be starting soon. In September, both coho and chinook salmon come through in substantial quantities.

Today, C was out walking (the one day I didn't go with her, of course) and texted that she saw two big fish caught, which is two more fish than we ever see being caught. They were silver, which means they were probably Coho.

Tomorrow, I'll go walking and try to get a few pictures. 

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