Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hot Coffee

I've gotten quite a bit of e-mail asking for my opinion about this, so here goes.

"Hot Coffee" is a user mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas that basically adds a sex mini-game. It's not a conventional mod, though. The mini-game was already on the game disc, but it wasn't used. All the mod does is "hook it up," so to speak, so that it's activated.

I've seen a video of the mod. Body placement strategically blocks the viewing of genitalia, but your character (C.J.) does have intercourse with his girlfriend, and you must time the thrusts correctly (tap-tap-tap that button) to bring her to orgasm. Plus, before the sex begins, she will "pleasure" you. No mini-game involved there, although I can think of a very funny one.

So can you, I'm sure.

Rockstar's issued a bunch of non-denial denials, claiming they're not "responsible." What they haven't actually denied is that the code is on the disc. Which they can't deny, because they put it there, and they knew someone would find it and open it up, and then they could claim they'd been hacked. Victims again. They have the worst luck.

It's all so predictable, isn't it? And isn't this schtick starting to get old? It's like going to the zoo and wanting to watch the chimpanzees, because chimpanzees are absolutely amazing animals with fascinating social interactions. Unfortunately, within five minutes of when you start watching them, some chimp is going to pull out his crank and start whaling on it like a speed metal guitar solo. So even though you'd really, really like to watch the chimpanzees, you just move along. Sure, the zebras aren't as interesting, but at least you don't have to watch them buff the banana.

And here's a little scoop for you, which was sent to me by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. I've known this person via e-mail for three years, so they're a trusted source. Four weeks ago, Rockstar registered a new domain. What is it?

There's nothing on the site, but here's the domain registration information (edited):
WHOIS result for:
Rockstar Games
622 Broadway
New York, NY 10012

Record expires on 15-Jun-2008.
Record created on 15-Jun-2005.

So what, right? Well, let me spell it out for you:
Citizens United Negating Technology

Like I said, shield your eyes when you walk by the cage.

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