Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Ice Storm

We have an ice storm tonight.

In Texas, "ice storm" means accumulations over one-quarter inch and temperatures in the 20's. It's the Apocalypse. There will be several hundred wrecks tomorrow during rush hour. People will crowd grocery stores to buy up all the batteries and bottled water.

And this is when the temperature will, uh, be above freezing by noon tomorrow. At the latest.

There's nothing I can do about us all being crazy, though.

Schools also close down here with a quarter-inch of ice on the roads. So if it's "icy" in the morning, no school. Eli 4.4 was very excited at the concept of getting a day off from pre-school because it was icy. He started jumping around doing his Excitement Dance, which is this special little dance where he wiggles his butt and points his fingers at you. It's this strange combination of bumblebee and taunting athlete, and he giggles the whole time.

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