Monday, September 04, 2006

Every Two Hours and Six Minutes for the Rest of His Life

Here's a story from DQ reader Bruce Hardie in reference to the "sledgehammer math" post from last week.

We had a salesman in the house trying to sell us an alarm system. I'm not sure how I allowed that to happen but we won't let that get in the way of the story. This story is set in 1996 and so is based on heroin math. I haven't updated to crystal meth numbers.

The salesman was using alarming (get it) numbers to try and sucker us into a sale.

"Do you know how much it costs to support a heroin habit?"

I shrug.

"$4000 a week!"

The street price for heroin at this time was ~$20/cap. Apparently your average home-breaking junkie needs 200!! hits per week. Someone with that much gear in their veins is not going anywhere. But he continues.

"How much do you think they'd get for your telly?" (TV) Another shrug.

"50 bucks".

Let's compare those two numbers and at this point I just couldn't contain myself and had to let him know.

"You're telling me that your average junkie has to steal 80 TELEVISIONS A WEEK in order to support his heroin habit. He hasn't got time to hit up - he has to steal more than 10 a day."

We didn't choose that company for our security.

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