Thursday, April 05, 2007

Riley the Magnificent

From DQ reader Scott Moore:
Another Riley moment. (You'd think I didn't have a daughter with all the Riley moments).

My mother-in-law gave Riley 8.0 a small birthday party at the local Kid's Park Playground last Friday.

Riley, his sister and cousin were off playing and the wife and I were discussing something that happened the day before. I made the statement, "We were in a pissy mood" about the time Riley walked up to get a drink of juice.

So my wife mutters, "No, you were in a pissy mood."

I muttered back, "We were in a pissy mood."

Well, the lowered voices made matters worse. As Riley is headed back out to the playground he throws his arms in the air and yells, "Well, I'm in a pussy mood also."

We were in tears laughing so hard, and by the time we got ourselves under control, he had yelled it out three more times before I could run up and clamp my hand over his mouth and tell him that's not a good thing to be saying.

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