Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Rock Band #112

Here's a question I sent to Harmonix public relations director John Drake:
I thought that we would definitely see some electronic drum manufactures (particularly Roland) announce compatibility with Rock Band as part of their new product lineup. However, it doesn’t seem like that’s happening. Are you guys actively pursuing this option, or is it off the radar?

Here's his response:
We’re really excited for Rock Band 2 to be a game where users have choices available with regards to the peripherals they can use. In addition to being able to still use their RB1 gear, we’re going to be officially announcing some amazing third-party options in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, that’s all we can say for now, but we think that these selections are going to make the rock fantasy that much more attainable!

I know that's not entirely specific, but I do think it's the most specific information we've gotten so far, and I strongly believe that when he says "third party options," it means that "real" electronic drum manufacturers are going to be involved. This would also be consistent with the IGN interview where Dan Teasdale said there would be " ways for you to transition from Expert to real instruments."

I'm already standing in line for products I can't even identify yet.

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