Friday, July 05, 2019

Friday Links!

From Simon Jones, and this is a fantastic read: The Man Who Walked His Life Away.

From Steven Davis, and this is just incredible: Boeing Outsourced Its 737 MAX Software To $9 Per Hour Engineers.

From Wally, and wait, what? Jersey is being terrorised by 100-strong gangs of feral chickens waking up locals and chasing joggers. An interesting read: The Century-Long Evolution of the U.S. Army Helmet. Always fun: Pass The Salt - Joseph's Longest Machine Ever. This is both unnecessary and kind of irresistible: Clock of the Long Now.

Outstanding links from C. Lee. First, and this is very clever, it's Japanese Picture Book Photoshops Prehistoric Creatures Into Contemporary Settings. These are stunning: Delicate, Miniature Sculptures Made From Dandelion Seeds by (euglena). An excellent read: The Patents Behind Toy Story’s Beloved Characters. Very useful: Download Scale Drawings of Everything at Dimensions.Guide. What a story! Objects of Intrigue: The Medieval Knight With a Chinese Sword, Who Was Once A Bridge.

From Meg McReynolds, and good grief: Smartphones aren’t making millennials grow horns. Here’s how to spot a bad study Science.

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