Friday, June 05, 2020

Friday Links!

Leading off this week, and it blew my mind: A Lifetime of Hammering Trees Might Affect Woodpecker Brains After All. That's right: CTE.

Important: Campaign Zero: We Can End Police Violence.

This is a tremendous article: How RuneScape is helping Venezuelans survive.

From C. Lee, and this is fascinating: Why Sleep Deprivation Kills. This is excellent: The hidden hunger affecting billions. An inspiring bit of history: SJ Baker: The New Yorker who saved 90,000 infants. Very, very useful: How the U.S. Fought the 1957 Flu Pandemic. I had no idea: A Brief History of Medical Face Masks. This is terrific: No subject is taboo for wheelchair-using YouTuber. It's a heel lock! Ever Wonder What That Extra Lace Hole on Your Gym Shoes Is For? We Found Out.

From Wally, and it's an enormous rabbit hole: Timeline of Science Fiction Ideas, Technology and Inventions. Important candy news: Necco Wafers Are Officially Back. This is terrific: The One Who Didn't Direct Terrible Movies.

From Chris Meadowcraft, and it's about a different kind of giant arrow: What Are Those Giant Arrows Dotting the American Landscape?.

Shimmer Geek wins the award for the most incredible story of the week: Men hired for sexual fantasy break into wrong house.

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