Thursday, December 21, 2023

Friday Links!

Happy holiday wishes to everyone! A big set of links in case you need a distraction.

Leading off this week, and what a project, it's Restored 478-key, 31-tone Moog synthesizer from 1968 sounds beautifully bizarre

I used to think Elon Musk was a genuinely successful dick, but it seems more and more like someone who is unusually skilled in the art of the grift: Tesla blamed drivers for failures of parts it long knew were defective.

No matter what you think these will sound like, I bet they'll surpass your expectations: Listen to the blood-curdling screamy sound of an ancient Aztec death whistle.

I'm reposting this from last week because they're so fantastically strange, and if you missed it, have a look: Shock of the old: 11 murderous and macabre Victorian Christmas cards

From C. Lee, and it's an amazing discovery: Scientists Pinpoint Cause of Severe Morning Sickness. This is a brilliant read: Manchuria: a "utopia" created by opium. Bizarre: Once They Were Pets. Now Giant Goldfish Are Menacing the Great Lakes. This is unexpected: MIT Scientists Unearth New Aspects of Mouse Intelligence. This is a terrific read: The Napoléon that Ridley Scott and Hollywood won’t let you see. Amazing! Why scientists are making transparent wood. Japanese health guidelines: Walking 60 minutes each day a recipe for good health, longer life. This is fantastic: Donkey Kong: A Record of Struggle. Part two from the impeccable Digital Antiquarian: Putting the “J” in the RPG, Part 2: PlayStation for the Win

From Daniel W., and it's quite ingenious: #climatechangecrochet – The global warming blanket.

From Wally, and this is for you, car nerds: Famous Cars: The Most Memorable & Expensive Cars to Ever Grace Our Screens. A few surprises (Tony the Tiger? Really?): HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS! 5 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT DR. SEUSS' YULETIDE CLASSIC. This is brutal: The worst-behaved tourists of 2023. I thought it was a different kind of boring: And the winner for San Jose BART’s boring machine name competition is… There is so much stupid in this story: Lord of the Rings fan fiction writer sued for publishing own sequel

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