Monday, July 08, 2024

General Notes

Eli 22.11 saw Djokovic, Swiatek, and Andy Murray's last match at Wimbledon on Thursday. Plus, Roger Federer walked right past him, about five feet way. He said he's never seen anyone with that kind of presence. 

He was in thirteen queues to get from the ticket line to center court. England loves queues, he said.

He also found out today he received a highest distinction on his exam. Dad is very happy and proud today, even more so than usual.

In book news, I'm almost done with the second draft. I have one chapter to go, which I'm expecting to complete by July 20. That puts me about three months ahead of schedule, not that the schedule was all that precise to begin with. There will still be three more drafts with 2-3 years to go, but it's good progress, and I've never stopped working. The last day I had off was when we were in Japan.

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