Thursday, August 22, 2024

Friday Links!

From Wally, and it's another shameful story from our history: The Lesser Known Japanese Internment.

From D. Fitch, and it's a fantastic tool for exploring public domain images: Public Works by Cosmos

From C. Lee, and it's another in an unending series: Massive data breach compromises billions of personal records around the world. And another: Newly Revealed Windows Vulnerabilities Can 'Unpatch' Your PC. I had no idea AI would reach knitting: The AI scams infiltrating the knitting and crochet world - and why it matters for everyone. This is fantastic in a potentially chilling way: Research AI model unexpectedly modified its own code to extend runtime. Oh, come on, another? AMD's 'Sinkclose' vulnerability affects hundreds of millions of processors, enables data theft — AMD begins patching issue in critical chip lines, more to follow. Genuinely astonishing: Scientists hail ‘smart’ insulin that responds to changing blood sugar levels in real time. Disney backed off, but what a story: Disney fighting restaurant death suit with Disney+ terms “absurd,” lawyer says. It's complicated: Why Are Some Sports Removed from the Olympic Games? It's Complicated — Here's Why. The Yamato is a fascinating piece of history: Yamato’s final mission blamed on mix-up with emperor’s intent

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