Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Good Morning

In the morning, Eli 3.7 wakes us up.

Of course he does. When a single sliver of light issues from the heavens, he's immediately on Full Metal Jacket Entropy Hyperdrive status. Sometimes he'll come in doing a little comedy skit, or sometimes he'll bring in a talking toy, usually sending me skyward when I suddenly wake up.

But the kid's right--it's funny. And I'm going to try very hard to never, ever discourage funny.

After the show, he'll crawl into bed and sleep beside Gloria for a few minutes before they go downstairs. And when they go downstairs, I go back to sleep, usually for an hour or so, then get up and get ready for work.

This morning, after an enthusiastic episode of Rescue Heroes Emergency Theater (and a little nap with his mom), Eli 3.7 got up and said "Mommy--let's go downstairs. Daddy needs to get some shut-up."

"Eli it's not 'shut-up'," Gloria said. "It's shut-eye."

"No, mommy," Eli said wearily. Sometimes our lack of knowledge tires him. "I know what this is. Daddy needs shut-up."

"I could use some shut-up," I said. "Thanks, Eli."

"Great," Gloria said. "Thanks for that."

"Enjoy your shut-up, Daddy," Eli 3.7 said.

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