Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Links From You Crazy People

A few months ago, I told Gloria that within five years there would be rest homes for pets. She laughed. But when it comes to the obscure, useless, strange, and non-profitable, I am without peer. Thanks to DQ reader Nate Carpenter (he of four-word fame) for letting me know about "Palm Meow, Inc.--A Cats Only Exclusive Retirement Community."

Remember that. It's not just a place to take your old cat who won't stop crapping on the carpet. It's a community. And it includes individualized play and videos.

The astounding link: http://www.palm-meow.com/.

Here's a gaming technology of the future from DQ reader Daniel Quock. It's a device that can be worn behind the ears which can deliver small electrical shocks which influence the vestibular system (which controls balance). Some very interesting effects could be delivered one day in driving and flying simulators, plus the potential to create altered environments in FPS games is intriguing as well. Here's the link:

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