Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Madden 2006

Bill Abner has, as always, some useful and coherent comments on Madden 2006's franchise mode and you can find them here:

If you look in the comments section of that post you'll see that someone confused him with me. This has been a running joke for about three years now--people keep mixing us up. We both write long reviews about sports games, we both put out sliders, we both write blogs--with the difference being that Bill gets paid to write those articles and he's considered the dean of sports game reviewers. So any confusion is all upside for me.

I'm getting Madden via Gamefly. No purchasing exclusive-license games from EA this year for me. I'll have comments after I can spend about ten hours with the game.

I also have more notes about NCAA than you want to read (plus sliders), and I'll put them up tomorrow or Thursday. Short version: Dynasty mode is terrific this year and I really, really enjoy the off-field gameplay mechanics. The in-game engine sucks ass and is entirely inexcusable, given that it's actually regressed in the last two years. And I'll talk about that in detail. You've been warned.

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