Thursday, April 16, 2020

Bingeing During The Zombie Apocalypse Recommendation #2


Kingdom is on Netflix, and it's a two-season, twelve episode (in total) series. It takes place in medieval Korean times.

Basically, it's all the political intrigue of the medieval era. With zombies. Fast zombies.

One word to describe the series: a feast (okay, that's two words, but you know what I mean). It is extravagantly beautiful, probably the most beautifully filmed series I've ever watched. The storylines are rich and detailed, as is the character development. Yes, there are battle scenes, but they are sumptuously choreographed, almost lyrical.

Let me mention the cinematography again, particularly the colors and lighting. Spectacular.

One note: the dubbing in English is genuinely terrible. Far, far better to turn on English subtitles (there's an option for English subtitles without describing sounds, which are excellent) and listen to the original language, which is quite beautiful in itself.

Also, this show is spectacularly athletic, particularly in the fight scenes. It's all just stunning to watch.

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