Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Fixer

Eli 22.4 and I arrived at a game idea today.

We were talking about FIFA, or whatever it's called now. I said EA should add a gambling option in career mode where you could bet on your own team in games, potentially increasing your annual budget. Partner with a sports book for the branding and there you go. This can't happen of course, because the EU would lose it's mind (with good reason), but it's fun to think about.

Eli said there should be a match-fixing game, and that's when my head exploded.

It would be called The Fixer, and it would basically be a sports management crime simulation where you tried to fix matches in multiple sports all over the world. In career mode, you could advance from fixing entry-level professional matches to world boxing titles and team sports championships.

Sort of Football Manager, but with crime.

It scratches my deeply-held itch for numbers and probabilities. Who do you approach? How much do you pay them, and how high of a chance of success do you need to put down a big wager? Most importantly, how do you avoid getting caught?

We're going to design this over the next few days, I hope. We'll see.

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